Love/Hate Update


-yoga routines designed specifically for back pain

-figuring out how to get the blooming laundry up the blooming stairs independently.  Just being honest here!  Anyone with any kind of mobility issues knows what I’m talking about!

-warmer weather

-text chats with my sister in which we debate on whether or not vultures are gross and unnecessary.  (I lost one, by the way.  My claim that all the vultures in Disney movies are creepy did not stand up to the fact that my sister has a biologist friend who is studying vultures.)


-pollen.  Been hanging out in Hotel Yellow Zone a lot lately.  The asthma doc said it’s going to be a rough summer allergies/asthma-wise.  She wasn’t kidding!  Oy.

-Benadryl tablets.  Is it just me, or are they the most unnatural shade of pink ever?  Seriously, they look like they’re radioactive.

-how often I read about spiritual abuse these days.  Don’t get me wrong, I love that more people are being brave and telling their stories.  But said stories never should have happened in the first place.

-when people deny the existence of spiritual abuse out of sheer arrogance and stupidity

-how difficult it can be to form meaningful relationships after being in toxic church environments

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